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The Mondrian
A modern day gingerbread house for local Hansels and Gretels, the Mondrian London is the aggressive new disco ball illuminating the Southbank neighborhood. The entrance opens to a scattered hive of seating areas and eclectic lounge spaces, the seeming handiwork of a billionaire outfitting his private jet. Our visit slipped into twilight over wine … Read More about The Mondrian
Let’s Take London

We love afternoons at the Tate Modern and champagne tea at Harvey Nichols. Nothing so heart-racing you can't keep yourself away, but a couple days here is like visiting a childhood friend.
What’s Happening In London?

A brief walk from The Mondrian will land you at the sensational Tate Modern. A visit to the atrium alone is worth it, but the recent renovation completed in 2016 has gifted rooftop enthusiasts with a 360 degree viewing deck atop the new 10-storey Switch House building. Sure, come for the art, but you absolutely won't want to miss the view.