Featured Hotel

The Line
The Line is the severe and highly raucous new hub fed by the creative spokes of Los Angeles. Playing a strategic long game above the Wilshire and Western Metro station, this hotel has awaited your arrival for perhaps longer than you've been aware. There is an open layout on the ground floor with areas for coffee, cocktailing, coffee breaks, snacking, … Read More about The Line
Let’s Take Los Angeles

Palm trees, ocean breezes, poolside days, buzzing nights, downtown rooftops, and lights dripping from the skyline. We didn't choose LA, it chose us. Browse our favorite spots for a spin through the city.
What’s Happening In Los Angeles?

A visit to the Chateau Marmont lobby is on the top of our list. Quiet, subdued, but buzzing with moments of rogue glamour. This is Hollywood the way Hollywoodland intended, bright enough for an afternoon lunch but dark enough for secrets.
Featured Posts

A Dip In the Shallow End: Primary Wave @ SLS
Any excuse to sip bubbly will do, so it was Grammy weekend on which we leaned for a pleasant drenching of champagne and dessert. The setting was Primary Wave at SLS, a hotel that nearly verges on a lifestyle for a brigade of patrons who rely on staples like cotton candy foie gras and liquid […]

Bliss Hollywood, can we move in?
We’ve mentioned before that we are blisteringly DIY about some things (manicures, lemonade, VIP birthday cakes) but there is one thing we absolutely cannot do for ourself: a massage. And for that we go to Moeul. We discovered Moeul last spring on a day when the knots in our back and neck were so tight […]

Hemingway’s in Hollywood
We love the Hemingway known to Gerald and Sara Murphy – brooding, ambitious, and calculatingly absorbed in a sort of post-war carelessness. It’s this Hemingway, untainted, that’s arrived in a storefront lounge on Hollywood Blvd. dimly lit (to discourage reading, no doubt) and crushed wall-to-wall in books. The drink menu is as spare as Hemingway’s […]

A Night At the Races
By Hollywood standards it was a slow drip. A Tuesday or Thursday at the height of summer, a night here or there for the rest of July and August. But with our devotion to Sayers Club deep in full pitch, we’re verging on a level of attendance seen only in educational settings or the workplace. […]