We start each morning with a piece of chocolate and a fix of this skin-renewing, effervescent shower treat. Sugar granules (a natural source of exfoliating glycolic acid), partner with fruit extracts, glycerin, and vitamins a and e to deliver a thorough once-over. A word of warning: this scrub smells and feels so delicious that we almost went in for a lick…
Wow. Our passion for Bliss’s Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Scrub is so strong that we were sure this body buff wouldn’t compare, but we are pleased to report that (sometimes) we’re wrong. The label instructed us to “apply before showering, then rinse” which maximized exfoliation and left a layer of moisture even after the rinse. The scent is hypnotic and sleep-inducing, the perfect gateway to a good sleep.
We discovered this product, like most beauty travelers, as a staple in the line of bathroom amenities at the W hotel. After the burst of clean scent and the froth of a latte, we came to hotly anticipate each stay at the W as the opportunity to snare another bottle.
A mere glance at these two sets us in anticipation of our morning routine. We can’t quite place the scent, (is it sweet or fruity? both?), but we love love love storming out of the shower and slathering our face in these icing-like textures.