Truly the best sunscreen to layer underneath makeup, the Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion has the requisite high SPF and a non-greasy consistency that skin absorbs quickly. Made for both face and body, this sunscreen claims 80 minutes of water resistance which we’ve successfully put to the test on Griffith Park hikes. Best of all, this sunscreen is gentle on oily skin with minimal interference from fragrance or white residue. We admit it’s pricier than any other sunblock we’ve purchased, but the 100 mL size will keep your face protected for the whole summer.
Simply put, this scrub works. Deep green and densely textured like a pinch of moist sand, ExfoliKate® knocks out dead skin using a combination of tingling enzymes and natural particles massaged into the skin. It’s a total all star of a product that will keep your complexion cleaner and brighter for months at the cost of one spa facial.
Olga Lorencin Red Carpet Facial in a Box
We were thrilled to receive a complimentary Red Carpet Facial kit from our favorite Los Angeles spa, Kinara. This kit is every bit the at-home facial your schedule and skincare regimen have been waiting for. The 3-step system is comprised of a 3 minute Peel, a tingling 30 second Neutralizer, and a 15-minute hydrating Polishing Mask. For us, the results were immediate and striking. Our skin felt smoother and looked brighter, clearer, and more hydrated. Hooked like a Soul Cycle first-timer, we repeated the facial twice the first week before settling into a once a week routine. Though the price is steep, we can say that the results far exceeded our expectations and our little kit has provided at least a dozen applications (and counting!).